Miriam Weisfeld Named Producing Artistic Director of Capital Repertory Theatre

A new era is beginning at Albany’s Capital Repertory Theatre as Miriam Weisfeld steps into the role of Producing Artistic Director, effective September 1. 

Weisfeld will take over the role from Maggie Mancinelli-Cahill, who has served as Artistic Director since 1995, guiding the theater’s growth and success for nearly three decades. Weisfeld will remain in her current position as Consulting Artistic Producer for the remainder of the 2024-2025 season. Furthermore, she will work closely with Mancinelli-Cahill until the end of 2025 to gain the necessary insight and experience.

Weisfeld herself expressed excitement about the opportunity. “It’s an honor to follow in Maggie’s footsteps and work with the incredible team at Proctors

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