Weekly Photography Challenge – Speed

Earlier I shared a collection of images that show speedy subjects.

Weekly Photography Challenge – Speed

By Dave Young

Chester Lam

By Chester Lam

Your job this week is to find and photograph a subject that is fast.

Try and capture speed in whichever way you want – freeze it or blur it. Remember shutter speed controls motion in your image.

Share your images below:

Simply upload your shot into the comment field (look for the little camera icon in the Disqus comments section) and they’ll get embedded for us all to see or if you’d prefer upload them to your favourite photo sharing site and leave the link to them. Show me your best images in this week’s challenge. Sometimes it takes a while for an image to appear so be patient and try not to post the same image twice.

Fred Dawson

By Fred Dawson

Nuno Sousa

By Nuno Sousa

Moyan Brenn

By Moyan Brenn

Derek Raugh

By derek raugh

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