Gregory V. Diehl’s “Brand Identity Breakthrough” Still a Bestseller

Entrepreneurial success books are in no short supply, and this often leads to the same type of book being published over and over again by the same generic authors. It’s no lie that consumers are looking for something fresh, and they can find it with Gregory V. Diehl, author of Brand Identity Breakthrough, a two-month standing Amazon bestseller.

Upon release, Brand Identity Breakthrough immediately skyrocketed to the Amazon bestseller positions in the Public Relations and Sales for Small Business categories. Overwhelming praise seemed to come instantly, with editorial reviews like that of Romuald Dzemo of Readers’ Favorite.

“As you read Brand Identity Breakthrough, you’ll feel like you are talking with a master who knows the troubling questions about brand marketing that business owners struggle with. Diehl exposes readers to the winning principles of brand marketing and warns them about the many pitfalls that have often undermined the success of powerful products. This book is a great companion for businesses of every size and nature.”

Diehl is making waves in the marketing for small business industry, but he is nothing like a conventional business author. At 18, he left his upper-middle-class California home for a journey of self-discovery through Central America. He realized that travelling was one of the most important ways to get a real-world education. Diehl has visited over 40 countries all over the world and has a passion for teaching in unconventional environments.

Diehl’s book is known for its no-nonsense approach to creating a sound brand identity. Critics feel that he clearly illustrates the step-by-step processes a small business needs, and they often comment on his ability to explain complex subjects in brief, but specific paragraphs.

“My deepest values include truth, directness, and getting down to the core of an idea or a message,” Diehl said. “I will always be trying to improve my own knowledge and help other people grow in the same way too. Above all, you don’t need a formal business education to succeed as an entrepreneur, so long as you are committed to learning.”

The focus of Brand Identity Breakthrough is the idea of company narrative, or the story a company, brand, or professional can tell. In the book, Diehl explains that telling a compelling narrative in the key to turning potential buyers into actual buyers.

“We all use stories to make sense of life. If you can introduce a new narrative into someone’s life, you can get them to take meaningful new actions,” he explained.

Diehl is more than an author. He also draws upon his years of experience as an international educator to create an online course to accompany the themes in his books. The course he created for Brand Identity Breakthrough explains all the concepts discussed in the book in even further detail, and is known to help consumers get to know Diehl more personally. Diehl highly recommends the course to anybody interested in Brand Identity Breakthrough, and especially to auditory and visual learners.

“I’m just as proud of the course as I am the book. I knew that a book wouldn’t be enough to communicate this incredibly important message to everyone, and I want to give all types of people the chance to learn.”

Brand Identity Breakthrough was released on May 20th, 2016, and almost instantly became an Amazon bestseller. Quite appropriately so, as Diehl achieved and has held onto this coveted author status with the very marketing and promotion strategies he discusses in his own book. He feels that the relative success of his book demonstrates that the lessons it teaches are valid, considering how difficult it can be for first-time authors to attract a significant audience.

He had initially hired a company called Convertport to handle the book marketing for him, but when they failed to produce results Diehl chose to take matters into his own hands, learning the ins and outs of self-publishing and promotion along the way.10 weeks later, the book still stands on top of its Amazon categories. Diehl feels that his unique writing style and implementation of the strategies in his book largely contributed to his success.

“I look forward to seeing how much longer Brand Identity Breakthrough stays on top. I hope that the success of this book is an inspiration to other new authors. It’s all about knowing who you are and what you really care about. Then you can make what you do irresistible to others.”

Diehl intends to release a second book about self-discovery through travel based on his own worldwide experiences in the coming months, and is excited to share his new release when it’s ready. The success of his first book has inspired him to write many new books over the next few years. He is also helping other passionate individuals publish their own messages as books and courses through his new company, Identity Publications.

To learn more about Brand Identity Breakthrough or the online course, visit the Brand Identity Breakthrough website, or purchase it on Amazon. To learn more about the author, you can visit Gregory V. Diehl’s website.

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