10 Must-knows about Emerald Waterways European River Cruises – TIps For Travellers Podcast #244

Emerald Waterways Emerald Dawn

Join me, Gary Bembridge from TipsForTravellers.com, as I share thoughts and tips on how to decide if Emerald Waterways is the right cruise line for you if you are considering a European River cruise.

In the show I cover :

  1. Who Emerald Waterways are.
  2. What they do

  • the same or similar to other river cruise lines.
  • 10 things to consider when evaluating of they would be right for you.
  • 10 things you need to consider that I discuss are:

    1. Premium.
    2. Added costs.
    3. English language.
    4. Decor.
    5. Innovations.
    6. Emerald Active.
    7. Emerald Plus.
    8. Discover More Tours.
    9. Local Communities.
    10. Suitability of river cruising for you.


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