Henning Larsen Architects’ wood and polycarbonate Fritz Hansen Pavilion is designed for reuse

During the annual 3daysofdesign festival held throughout Copenhagen, Denmark, from June 15 to 17, the Henning Larsen Architects–designed Fritz Hansen Pavilion was the centerpiece of the weekend, as it hosted over 15,500 visitors. The pavilion is staged in the Grønnegården, Designmuseum Denmark’s garden, where it will remain until mid-autumn. The construction showcased furniture produced by Fritz Hansen and well-known designers, such as Arne Jacobsen, Cecilie Manz, and Hans J. Werner, as a way to celebrate the company’s 150th anniversary.

(Laura Stamer)

Fritz Hansen collaborated with Henning Larsen Architects to realize a space that mirrors its values of traditional Scandinavian design while also incorporating contemporary

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