15 of the Best Events Celebrating Hip-Hop’s 50th Anniversary

Hip Hop Hooray
Words: Trent Fitzgerald
Editor’s Note: This story appears in the Winter 2023 issue of XXL Magazine, on stands now.

Hip-hop has been the cornerstone of New York City’s culture since its evolution in the Bronx in the 1970s. Since then, the world has been exposed to a cultural movement that has expanded beyond the initial four elements of hip-hop: MCing, DJing, breakdancing and graffiti. Before Aug. 11, 2023— the date marked the 50th anniversary of hip-hop and— celebrations were held throughout the year in the U.S. to honor the genre’s global impact. Museums, concerts, festivals and awards shows have paid homage to hip-hop’s half-century legacy in 2023.

The year started right with the

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