Timbaland Thinks Britney Spears Is Going Crazy and Needs Muzzle

Timbaland has called Britney Spears “crazy,” and said Justin Timberlake should put a “muzzle” on her.

Timbaland Thinks Britney Spears Is Going Crazy

On Oct. 29, Timbaland sat down for a panel interview with 9th Wonder at the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. A fan asked Timbo at one point to share his thoughts on claims made about JT in Spears’ latest memoir The Woman in Me, including that the song “Cry Me a River” was about her.

“She going crazy, right?” Timbaland said as the audience laughed. “I wanted to call and say, ‘JT you gotta put a muzzle on that girl man.’ But you know what? We live in the age of

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