Original posted at: Posted in Censorship and Freedom , Calls by paginatransversal on June 7, 2015
On Saturday June 5, In the Al-Andalus Library in the city of Cordoba, it was held the “Conference for Palestine. Memorial To Naji Al Ali.“ The event was organized by the International Organization Against Impunity, HOKOK, such event was structured around the memory of the famous Palestinian cartoonist killed in London in 1987, Naji Al Ali, and had as main themes besides: denouncing the brutal Palestinian occupation by the Zionist entity called Israel, the claim of freedom of expression and the free exercise of the right to information, both severely hampered by the Zionist occupation forces and their lobbyists groups throughout the world.
The relevance and the need to hold events like this were demonstrated even before the celebration of the
event (Days of Palestine), by the repressive totalitarian attitude, and censorship by certain associations that takes the arrogant attitude of exclusivity to address the Palestinian issue in Spain and, accompanied by the usual spokesmen ideological persecution from his journalistic tribunes, have highlighted the need to persevere in the defense of pluralism and freedom of expression and against the attacks of totalitarianism and ideological persecution, wherever they come from, whether from the international Zionism, since the allegedly democratic penal code, or from sectarian organizations and democratic proceed doubtful that, relying on the label “Red Solidaria”, intended to hijack the free and plural voice of the Palestinian people.
However, the impunity, the nerve to use lies of victimization and hysteria that characterizes totalitarian regimes, are these Zionists in disguise or “solidarity,” usually little or nothing can be doneagainst the will of those who are free enough to avoid being drag by hate and yes by compromise. Thus, those attending the ceremony in Córdoba could see first hand the terrible situation facing the Palestinian people and the difficulties of journalists to do their work in the occupied territories – at least the truthers, and not the mere intoxicators that are the voice of their master.
Chérifa Serrajd, teacher and social educator opened the conference with presentations dedicated to gloss the figure and works of Palestinian cartoonist Naji Al Ali, and focused on the censorship of the media about the unprecedented situation that exists in Gaza, the situation of the Palestinian people following the recent acts of genocide perpetrated by the Zionist occupation forces, especially the attacks of 2014 that left about 2,500 dead and 11,000 wounded, and destroyed much of Gaza, whose reconstruction work have not yet begun.
Adnan Ezzeddine, lawyer and secretary general of HOKOK, denounced the impunity of the Zionist state called Israel and its strategy of applying the politics of fear and accusation of “anti-Semitism” in both the media and through the courts, as well of terror through military force, all under coverup by governments and institutions worldwide. Similarly he denounced the bigots who had called to boycott the event on absurd charges of “racism”, “anti-Semitism”, etc. With whom he would rather sit at a round table to interexchange positions. He then proceeded to describe a brief overview of the current situation in the Middle East, and accused the US and the Zionist entity called Israel of being behind the terror of the self-proclaimed “Islamic State,” terror already used since the war in Afghanistan to achieve the geopolitical objectives and economic of their sponsors.
Rafael Sanchez Avello
Meanwhile, veteran journalist Rafael Sanchez Avello, professional TVE, information coordinator and editor, specialized in scientific journalism and in the Sahara conflict. He focused his speech on the right of free expression, to ensure human rights and the need for a committed journalism (see journalists as “fetters of our consciousness” that only active solidarity will silence some day). Then he drew the raw data recorded in 2014 with regard to the exercise of journalism (128 journalists killed, 16 in the attack on Gaza, 13 in Syria, 12 in Pakistan, 10 in Iraq, 60 etc .; killed so far in 2015, etc.) and reported the situation of conflict, journalist that before were protected under the media outlet that them to report, and now mostly professionals independent (freelance) underpaid. In this sense he also denounced the installed prejudice in society regarding the exercise of journalism, which they attribute to journalists dishonesty or truth or misrepresenting it, prejudices and recalled what he heard from the mouth of the well-known journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski: “There are no more journalists but mediaworkers, “ so we should not blame the true professionals, but the media themselves and their owners. Avello Sanchez recalled that without free press there is no democracy and that the fundamental mission of the journalist is to give voice to the voiceless and to make visible the invisible.
Then spoke the young Palestinian Mohammed Matter, who came from Germany, where he lives and
Mohammed Matter-Palestinian political activist from Gaza, Palestine
studies, to tell this personal experience in daily life of Gazawans, especially during the criminal attack on Gaza in 2014 by the army of the Zionist occupation. He denounced the obstacles to the free movement of Gazawans locked in “the biggest prison in the world” and the complicity of the Egyptian authorities in collusion with Zionist and United States in relation to the closure of the borders and passage of supplies and people (when is not closed, the border opens and only can cross a maximum of 50 people a day from a list of more than 42,000 people who want to leave Gaza for some reason or other). Matter emphasized the heroism of Gazawans to defend their meager assets against the Zionist aggression ( for example arriving in mass to a private house after receiving the call in the same the occupation forces threatening to bomb it), and by individual and communitarian examples of struggle and resistance by the Palestinian people, and more specifically by Gazawan in an area without water, without light, and controlled by the Zionists to the number of daily calories consumed by every Palestinian. Matter expressed doubts about a possible peace between Israelies and Palestinians because, on the one hand, “the Israelies do not want peace” and on the other, the Palestinian people can not embrace the Israeli people as it is literally “amputated” by bombing and Zionist aggression. He also denounced the Palestinian Authority for its collusion with the Zionists even though they consider the Palestinians as “terrorists.” To achieve any kind of peace, Matter stressed the need to do justice first and urged the audience and citizens in Europe and around the world to increase their support to Palestine and the Palestinian people, making this visible support through mobilizations on the streets, and by boycotting products of the Zionist entity called Israel.
With this call to commitment and denouncing the Zionist outrage, extended to other abuses, ridiculous in comparison but also fruit of the hatred of freedom, plurality and coexistence, the “Conference for Palestine were closed. Memorial Naji Al Ali “, in the city of Cordoba.