People’s voices and consumer power have Israel worry for its future

by Marivel Guzman

Neturei Karta member in Jerusalem holding a Palestinian flag with the text, “Boycott Israel”.

Israel loves the spotlight of the cameras but this time the spotlight is for Boycott Divestment and Sanction which recently has been taking center stage in every major news outlet, alternative media and blogging system.

Everyone is writing about BDS and its power over Israel. This time Israel can not control the camera and the narrative, this time consumer power and aware people are making the waves.

“The Israeli government is dependent on a strong export-orientated economy. Europe is Israel’s largest trading partner. Almost 200 organizations representative of a broad spectrum of Palestinian civil society – trade unions, professional bodies such as all the academic unions and associations, medical unions, and most of the major NGOs – have called on the international community to endorse the call for a campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, similar to that which helped to end the apartheid regime in South Africa.” Ireland BDS campaign

Peace activists are directing the tune of the BDS campaign. There is no big money behind the efforts of boycotting Israel products, artists, academia and or financial Israel supporters but a broad movement of activists using social media like twitter, facebook and youtube between others to spread activities of boycott: products produced in any of the 125 illegal settlements like SodaStream

“Israeli Extremism Will Encourage Global Boycott-Israel has elected the most fanatic government in its history. But many Palestinian human rights activists and politicians expect this government, an unpalatable cocktail of right, far-right and fundamentalist Jewish parties, to be the mother of all silver-lined clouds.”, May 11, 2015

Never in the past newspapers dared to publish news that would tarnish Israel public relations but now days Israel arrogance had made impossible for newspapers and even governments to keep quiet in front of the facts.

“Israel’s Rightward Shift Helps Make It Its Own Worst Enemy,” said Anne-Marie Slaughter, a former director of policy planning for the State Department, It is a difficult and immensely frustrating time to be a friend of Israel, Salughter said for an opinion piece for the

The boys killed in the beach in front of the international media are images difficult to make up.

The bodies of the four children Mohammed Baker, 9-year-old; Ahed Baker, 10-year-old; Zakaria Baker, 10year-old; and Mohammed Baker, 11-year-old, are seen here being mourn by his male relatives.

Images such this had changed people’s perception of Israel. Last massacre in Gaza put Israel face in the news under its true colors. No public relation campaign could change the images of children killed and entire families wiped out of the map.

Israel Missiles destroys buildings in Gaza city, July 2014, Gaza, Palestine

Israel Missiles destroys buildings in Gaza city, July 2014, Gaza, Palestine

 How can Israel justify bombing entire neighborhood killing entire families and expect the world to support its actions

Finally people said; enough!
When tax time rolls around each year, every American citizen gives $21.59 in military aid to Israel, according to the U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation. But that’s not the only way American citizens contribute to the Israeli military, which has occupied Palestinian land for 46 years, and the West Bank settlement project that accompanies the occupation.

Consumers may not know it, but buying products like Sabra hummus and Sodastream helps fuel Israel’s military control over Palestinians. Some companies have factories located in one of the 125 officially recognized settlements in occupied Palestine, which are illegal under international law. Other companies contribute to the maintenance of an occupation through cooperation with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), whose main goal is to protect illegal settlements and exercise dominion over the lives of millions of Palestinians. Buying these products gives profits to companies who exploit Palestinian land and resources.

Israel is suffering the fruits of its intransigence, arrogance and criminal activities in Occupied Palestine. Its friends are abandoning the boat before it sinks.
There should be no surprise, history repeat itself, but, lets be clear on Israel intentions; it will try its gimmicks until the end. There wont be 2 state solution, because Israel will be dismantled the same way Apartheid South Africa did. The criminals will start running for cover like the Nazi did after Germany felt to the allies. They will change their names, their religion and will try to disappear into country friends, and is doubtful that will be another Operation Paperclip for Israelis scientists, because as its stand now thousands of Israelis enjoy double nationality. You can have a glimpse of the operation paperclip in the CIA webpage.

Last year the mood was already changing in Czech Republic; the winds of change were started being blown in the press, “At present the Czech Republic’s approach to the Middle East is slowly changing. The nascent Cabinet of the Social Democrats (ČSSD) and the centrist ANO and Christian Democrats (KDU-ČSL) no longer intends to give preferences to the Prague-Tel Aviv axis, Šídlová said in her Analysis: Czech gov’t to shift from Israel

Czech Republic minister in its recent visit to occupied Palestine leave some very clear to Israel government,  “As a close friend of yours, it is important for the Czech Republic to say that if the situation does not change it will be hard to maintain our position,” Zaorálek, who was visiting Israel, warned. “We want to avoid initiatives against Israel, but it is getting more difficult with the current government and with the opposition to the two-state solution,” he said. “What is the alternative, to deteriorate towards apartheid? Israel long time allies are finding more difficult every day to support Israel in the international arena. United States the closest Israel supporter had put the cards on the table.

Haaretz published last week Obama’s interview where the president said that “Stalled peace process makes it harder for U.S. to defend Israel at UN” and showed slights indications that the U.S. won’t veto French resolution on ending Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the United Nations Security Council.

“Indulging Israel hasn’t worked – maybe the boycott will

How long will Netanyahu act like Putin, Erdogan and Berlusconi, but ask to be rewarded like Nelson Mandela?”

“Suddenly, again, Israel is seeing new threats everywhere. The latest come not from rockets, the Israelis say, but from students armed with petitions and Palestinians seeking sanctions against the Israeli soccer team.”

Israel is unable to make peace. It has to go forward in domination, expansion, apartheid, and its legitimacy will be more and more contested. And I believe the zioniste state will come to en end.Jacob Cohen, Jewish Moroccan author said in a facebook interview.
The stories are building Israel case in front of the world. Israel’s shows of racism, oppression, repression, murder, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, genocide, extreme violence, apartheid, segregation and the wall are sinking Israel long propaganda of the only democracy in the middle east.

A report from the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem [link]: “IDF soldiers expel Palestinians from pool in Palestinian village to Enable Settlers to Bathe”

Also mobile Apps are helping in the BDS campaing. Buycoott the mobile is designed to find products in the list of boycotted products. Long Live Palestine boycott Israel campaign has the first place in the buycott app with 417,410 members. Buycott is a tool that lets you organize your consumer spending to help causes that you care for, and to oppose those that you don’t.

Ultimately Israel is its worse enemy and will fall by its own hands.
“When those in power refuse to act to stop this injustice(All of Palestinian occupation) we need a Global Citizens Response to stand along side Palestinians in their struggle for freedom, justice and equality” ‪#‎BDS‬ but this is just the beginning of restoring complete Palestinian’s rights to their land.

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