
Dealmaster: Amazon’s whole Fire TV streamer lineup is on sale for the Super Bowl

Today's Dealmaster is headlined by a suite of deals on Amazon's Fire TV streamers. The offers include the 1080p Fire TV Stick for...

Ajit Pai promised faster broadband expansion—Comcast cut spending instead

Comcast reduced capital spending on its cable division in 2019, devoting less money to network extensions and improvements despite a series of government...

Troubled Iranian rocket industry preparing for another launch attempt

Iran is preparing for the launch of two small communications satellites, Zafar 1 and Zafar 2, from the Imam Khomeini Space Center in...

Bethesda restores characters who lost their clothes in Fallout 76 hack

Last month, saw the emergence of a damaging new hack that let attackers literally steal the clothes off other players' backs. Now, Bethesda...

Planned nuclear storage material could decay faster than expected

A number of countries, including the United States, has been planning for long-term storage of nuclear wastes. While many of these nations plan...

Maryland bill would outlaw ransomware, keep researchers from reporting bugs

Remember last May, when Baltimore City was brought to a standstill by ransomware? Hot on the heels of that mess—in fact, the same...

Check out Netflix’s Ghost in the Shell trailer and its contentious art style

Netflix has released the first full trailer for its new 3DCG anime series , the latest in multiple decades of media releases based on...

Plague Inc. maker: Don’t use our game for coronavirus modeling

Further Reading: Nurture your own pandemic for fun and victory pointsInterest in the continued spread of the coronavirus has...

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